Tag: Once Upon a Time Recap
Once Upon a Time Recap: “Desperate Souls”
by Tracy Ladd: Once Upon a Time Recap: “Desperate Souls” Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday January 8, 2012 Season 1 Episode 8 It’s been a couple of weeks since the last episode. That episode being the one that crushed many a heart with Graham’s death. To be honest I’m still pretty bummed out about it but…
Once Upon a Time Recap: “Snow Falls”
by Tracy Ladd: Once Upon a Time Recap: “Snow Falls” Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday November 6, 2011 Season 1 Episode 3 This week gives us a peek into Snow White’s back story. While it doesn’t reveal a whole lot about her history, or what she did to piss off the Queen for that matter, we…
Once Upon a Time Recap: “The Thing You Love the Most”
by Tracy Ladd: Once Upon a Time Recap: “The Thing You Love the Most” Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday October 30, 2011 Season 1 Episode 2 Last week OUaT enchanted viewers with its pilot episode. I’ll admit I was among the smitten but I had two questions. Could it hold up to a second viewing, and…
Once Upon a Time Recap: “Pilot”
by Tracy Ladd: Once Upon a Time Recap: “Pilot” Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday October 23, 2011 Season 1 Episode 1 The marketing campaign leading up to last night’s premier of Once Upon a Time did a great job of catching my interest. The thought of a show that sets out to combine the fantasy…